What should go hand-in-hand with a big vision is the perseverance you’ll need to keep moving forward. If you’re a Game of Thrones watcher, there was a great line in an episode when Stannis Baratheon was being advised about the lack of wisdom in starting a battle in the snow. He responded: “We march to victory or we march to defeat, but we go forward, only forward.”
Sometimes, when things get challenging on your path as a business owner you have to commit yourself to moving forward, regardless of the discomfort and fear surrounding the next steps. When you fuel your big vision with perseverance and the spirit of “only forward,” you eventually meet your success.
Here are some steps you can take to keep moving forward despite adversity:
1. Make a plan
You would never leave your house for a road trip without a plan and at least a map(or GPS nowadays). It's the same for your business. Whether you have been in practice for 1 year, 10 years, 20 years, or more, YOU NEED A PLAN.
That plan should cover how you are going to reach your destination, your goal, in practice.
If you goal is to see X amount of people, collect X amount of dollars, buy a specific piece of equipment, hire an associate, whatever the goal is, you gotta have a plan to get you there.
If your goal is to see 300 people a week, HOW are you going to do that?
You need to think about the logistics of it all:
-How many days will I be open?
-How many hours in those days?
-How many people can I adjust in those hours?
-How many new people can I process in a day/week, including ROF's
-Who is going to be my support team?
-Where am I going to draw the new people in from?
-How am I going to process the new people through the office?
-What kind of consult and exam am I going to do
-What will I say in the ROF?
-What services will I offer
I mean the list goes on, but I think you get the picture.
Once you are able to devise your plan, your TO DO list. The next step?
2. Ya gotta take ACTION.
A plan without action is just a dream.
You can wing it, or you can ask for help. There is nothing weak about asking for help. That is what I used to think. If I had to ask for help, that must mean I was weak. Not true.
If I hadn't sought out help, I would not be here today writing to you.
One of the biggest steps I ever took in practice was learning the Everest D1/D2 System.
It took so much stress off my plate knowing what and how I was going to conduct my consultation, exam, and Report of Findings.
And as hard as it was to get out of my own way and head space, I am thankful everyday that I learned HOW to do this the right way.
Most chiropractors wing this. Spend HOURS with one patient trying to convince them that they just need to "turn the power" back on, remove the subluxation and all will be well.
This is outdated and not personal.
In a world where we have been "de-personalized" with masks and social distancing, your patients WANT human connection.
So, to bring this full circle, you gotta have a goal, a plan, and action steps to reach that goal. It should all start with the FUNDAMENTALS: a solid Day one/Day two that will not only make YOUR life easier, it will help your patients WANT what you have to offer and THAT is what will ultimately get you to your end game.
Learn more about the Everest D1/2