Where you are right now is where you are meant to be. NOTHING in life happens TO us, it happens FOR us (we won't know the potential future benefit). [Go listen to Dr. John DeMartini tell his life story] If you take away your current struggles you won't be prepared to handle your future success. When times are shitty you don't have to like it but just have faith it's just fertilizer for something bigger and better coming down the road.
When the shit hits the fan, just stay calm, relax and do what you do (DWYD) with an understanding it's not where you want to be but its where you are. Know better things will come. Don't let shit-uations steal your joy and happiness." This too shall pass." - (Winston Churchill). Rise above. That's what winners do. (Michael Jordan was cut from his HS basketball team. This could have been the end of his career had he given up.)
The decision is yours. I know TOO MANY Chiros who dread their practice/profession (insurance sux, nobody gets it, nobody wants to pay, blah, blah, blah) living with an attitude, "I wish I could take this practice/profession and shove it!!". What a SHAME. You just spent 8 years of college and hundreds of thousands of dollars not to enjoy it and be successful? LIFE is TOO SHORT to live this way. Make up your mind to change your attitude from, "Take this practice/profession and shove it!!" And replace it with "I'm going to take this practice/profession and LOVE IT!!
Your current ATTITUDE will set your future ALTITUDE.
P.S. Want to learn HOW to communicate your brand of chiropractic to your patients so they stay, pay and refer? Check out an Everest Bootcamp and get your practice even BETTER than where you are right now.